Rome total war 2 map
Rome total war 2 map

rome total war 2 map

And i hope the can do something like before with the new Rome 2. I feel that Rome is yes, more basic, but quality. I just felt that Shogun maps were abit, over complicated, and dark and gloomy. I believed that the maps in Rome Total War were more open and vibrant, you can zoom in on your troops in battle, manoeuvre your cavalry round with ease, it was much more beneficial for the player. Im all for new graphics and adding a realism to the game to make it feel more real, but from a strategy game point of view, they got it spot on in the original Rome. I think are all better on Rome Total War than Shogun 2. Im not pin pointed one particular location or climate but all the different kinds of landscapes, bridges, rivers, winter, summer, rain. And noticed that i prefer playing on the maps on the original rome more than the battle landscapes on Shogun, even with the game being much older. Ive recently played a lot of Shogun 2 and the original Rome.

rome total war 2 map

2K A Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia.844 A Total War Saga: Fall of the Samurai.

Rome total war 2 map